admin | 18.11.2011

Poker Tournament Formula, xp

Informatii carte:

Titlu: Poker Tournament Formula, xp

Autor: Arnlod Snyder

Data publicarii: 01-03-2008

Numar de pagini: 368


Pret: 9.2 GBP


O sa fiu direct. Este cea mai proasta carte pe care am citit-o. Ceea ce este si mai grav este ca are aproape 400 de pagini. Ce risipa de hirtie!
Autorul se contrazice in unele aspecte iar anumite teorii sint combatute chiar de autori grei precum Sklansky.

Cititi aceasta carte doar daca o primiti cadou si sinteti super incepator! Chiar si asa exista riscul sa nu intelegeti strategiile alambicate.

O sa trec in blogul meu de pe forum citeva faze funny din carte.

PS: Daca nu aveti pe ce arunca banii… a aparut si volumul 2!



1 The waiting game vs The hunting game

2 How to play texas hold’em

3 The patience factor

4 Meet the weapons: Rock, Paper, Scissors

5 Basic Position Strategy

6 Card Strategy I: Hands and moves

7 CS II: Outs and odds

8 Player Types

9 The chip strategy

10 Rebuys and add-ons

11 Know your cards

12 Bounties

13 Bluffing

14 Showing your cards

15 Table image

16 Mistakes

17 Taking a stand

18 Laydown

19 The accidental nuts

20 The wolf pack instinct

21 Chopping it up

22 Satellites

23 Last-Longer Bets

24 Break out of the mold

25 The luck factor

26 Cheating and semi-cheating

27 Tournament skills check list

28 How much money do you need?

29 How field size affects tournament speed

30 Conclusion: What I can’t teach you