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Elements, xp

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Titlu: Elements, xp

Autor: Tommy Angelo

Data publicarii: 10-12-2007

Numar de pagini: 266 pagini


Pret: 16 GBP


Tommy Angelo a fost antrenorul lui Phil Galfond (Jman28). Metodele sale sint unice iar pretul pe masura (7000$). Grosul lectiilor se tin fata in fata (Las Vegas) si nu la telefon sau prin email. „Studentii” lui chiar joaca la aceeasi masa cu el la un moment dat.

Cartea ‘Elements of Poker’ cuprinde sfaturi asemanatoare programului sau de training. Ni se ofera practic 144 de lectii, denumite elemente.
Tip original, Tommy inventeaza termeni precum „6th Street”, „Hijack”, „mum poker”, „fastfold”, „bliscipline”, „tiltlessness”.

Tilt-ul este definit de T.Angelo ca fiind orice forma care duce la derivarea de la cel mai bun joc de tip A-game.
O persoana este capabila de trei tipuri de joc: A-game, B-game si C-game. Pokeristii sint la A-game cind se simt bine si joaca bine, la C-game cind joaca slab si se simt rau iar B-game este stadiul intermediar. Angelo incearca sa ne ajute la C-game considerind ca pierzind mai putin inseamna practic cistiguri mai mari.
„Whenever you lop off some C-game, you increase the percentage of time you spend playing your A-game,” spune Angelo. „This means that the work put into your A-game will pay a higher return by being put into play more often.”

„Everybody tilts; to make money from tilt, you dont’t need to be tiltless. But you do have to tilt less”.

„To win at poker, you have to be very good at losing.”

Poate cel mai important aspect prezentat in carte este parasirea jocului de cash imediat ce propriul joc se deterioreaza.
O alta parte interesanta din carte  este cea referitoare la pokerul live. Tommy ne arata cum sa oferim si sa primim respect la masa, cum sa nu divulgam informatii despre jocul nostru („mum poker”) si unde sa ne indreptam atentia la masa de joc.

Apoi mai gasim informatii despre limit, no limit. Desi e sincer si spune ca prefera cashul in locul turneelor, Angelo are un capitol foarte interesant denumit „The Dollar Value of a Stack”.

Relatia „respiratie – minte – tilt” va va surprinde cu siguranta.

Intr-un fel, putem considera Elements of Poker o continuare a cartii ‘Ace on the River’ (B. Greenstein).



About This Book    1
The Band and Crew    16
My Terms    19
I. Universal Elements    25
1. A-Game    25
2. B-Game    25
3. C-Game     25
4. Lopping Off the C-Game    26
5. Quitting    29
6. Sets, Sessions, and Breaks    34
7. Reciprocality    34
8. Quitting Reciprocality    35
9. Bankroll    36
10. The Professional    38
11. Keeping Score    39
12. Accounting for the Rake    40
13. The Price of Poker Does Go Up.    42
14. The Rules    43
15. The Profit Premise    44
16. How to Get Respect    45
17. How to Give Respect    46
18. Protection    48
19. Decisions    49
20. Defining Mistake    50
21. The Gray Area    52
22. Tilt    54
23. Tilt Reciprocality    56
24. Hard Tilt    57
25. Soft Tilt    57
26. Winning, Losing, and Breaking Even    57
27. Betting Reciprocality    58
28. On the Importance of Position    62
29. Position    62
30. Position Reciprocality    62
31. Firstlessness    63
32. Suitedness and Connectedness    64
33. Gobsmacked    65
34. Anticipation    65
35. The Rating Game    67
36. Seat Selection    68
37. Tight and Loose    71
38. Passive and Aggressive    72
39. Adaptiveness    73
40. Inevitability    73
41. Emotions    73
42. Poker Addictions    74
43. Entitlement    75
44. Fears    75
45. Running Good and Running Bad    76
46. Moving Up    76
47. Going Pro    77
48. Streaks    80
49. Low-Hanging Fruit    81
50. Discretion    81
51. Object of the Game    82
52. Kuzzycan    83
II. Table Poker    85
Introduction to Table Poker    85
53. Information Reciprocality    86
54. Mum Poker    88
55. Constructing Your Poker Face    90
56. Hands on Face    90
57. The Difference Between Ignoring and Not Reacting    91
58. The Hierarchy of Fear    91
59. Reading the Players    92
60. Get Set    93
61. Look Left    94
62. How to Look at Your Cards    97
63. How Not to Stack Your Chips    97
64. Changing Seats    97
65. Tempo    99
66. Folding    99
67. How to Check    101
68. When to Announce Your Action    101
69. How to Play No-limit with Ruthless Efficiency    102
70. How to Call, Bet, and Raise at Limit Poker    104
After the Betting
71. Flowchart of a Hold’em Hand    105
72. The Showdown    105
73. Sixth Street    106
74. Slowrolling and Slowcalling    107
75. Slowfolding and Fastfolding    110
76. Fastgrabbing    112
77. Fastrolling    112
78. Showing Bluffs    116
79. Fantasy Poker    117
80. Shameless Showdowns    119
The Poker Room
81. Homefield Vantage    124
82. On the Road    124
83. Make Your Intentions Known    125
84. How and How Not to Call a Floorman    126
85. Don’t Push the Button    127
86. The Dealer Made a Mistake. Should I Speak Up?    129
87. Moving Up to Mid-Limit at Table Poker    131
88. Culture    131
89. A Reminder about Dealers    132
90. Be the House    132
III. Internet Poker    135
91. Finger Tilt    135
92. Number of Tables to Play    135
93. The Chatbox    136
94. Notes to Self    136
95. Comparing Internet Poker and Table Poker    136
IV. Cash Games    139
96. Fluctuation    139
97. Take the Blind or Post Behind?    140
98. Chopping the Blinds    144
99. Buy the Button    146
100. Game Selection    146
V. Tournaments    149
101. Event Odds    149
102. The Bubble    150
103. Tournament Time    152
104. Stack Size Matters (Tournaments)    153
105. The Dollar Value of a Stack    154
106. Things to Know    172
107. Comparing Cash Games and Tournaments    173
VI. Hold’em    177
108. Acting Last    177
109. The Preflop Positions    177
110. The Hijack Seat    179
111. Universal Starting-Hand Chart    180
112. The Postflop Positions    190
113. Blinds and Buttons    192
114. Shorthanded    192
115. Pocket Aces    194
VII. Limit Hold’em    197
116. The Bread and Butter Situations    197
117. Open-Raising and Open-Limping    199
118. Suitedness at Limit Hold’em    200
119. Starting-Hand Groups for Limit Hold’em    200
120. Game Selection (Limit)    206
121. Stack Size Matters (Limit)    206
VIII. No-Limit Hold’em    209
A Little History    209
122. Stack Size Matters (No-Limit)    210
123. Buying In, Rebuying, and Adding On    213
124. How to Lose a Big Pot    214
125. Seat Selection and Game Rejection Based on Stacks    215
126. Controlling the Pot    217
127. Suitedness at No-Limit Hold’em    219
128. Betting or Raising 1/3 of Your Stack    220
IX. Elements of Performance    225
Introduction to Elements of Performance    225
129. The Path of Least Resistance    228
130. The Path of Leak Resistance    230
131. Awareness    230
132. Results Oriented    232
133. Poker Funk    233
134. Table Funk    235
135. Bliscipline    236
136. Self-Perpetuating Tiltlessness    236
137. A Reminder about Odds    237
138. Cravings    238
139. Meditation    238
140. Focus    239
141. Breathing    242
142. Sitting    247
143. Wellness    248
144. A Process of Illumination    248